A dad's witterings about a life journey with beer, running and, well, kids!

Monday, 27 February 2017

Breaking The Blues

I've been quiet recently, mainly due to nothing to report, but also because I've been slowly (very slowly) trying to get myself back to exercise. And busy with life, very busy. Who thought a child would occupy so much of your time?! (Disclaimer, I did know, just joking)
The reason that it's slow progress is mainly from a psychological aspect rather than any early injuries, thankfully!

Speaking of which, I always find it amazing how much of an impact the mental side of exercise can have on performance. Psychosomatic ailments can be such a hindrance to training and enjoyment of the fun of running. A large percentage of ability in running, in my opinion, is psychological and we've all had days where we don't feel up to it or find it really difficult to give it our all.

And it is this topic that I find really affects me. Not being very confident, it doesn't take much to knock me down, and having put up with back problems for 2 years (which really ground down my morale) and then suffering a recurring knee injury, I have completely forgotten any love I had for running. I've forgotten the thrill of getting up for Parkrun on a Saturday morning and the excitement of a booked race (Vitality London 10,000 in May).

A lack of confidence leads a person to a lack of motivation, the inability to find or make time. It's then all too easy to back out of any loose plans made, to convince yourself 'I'll go tomorrow' - which as most of us know, tomorrow never comes.

I have had a taster at the gym; partaking in a swim (god that was difficult), yoga (need to book again, 6:30am though...) and a Goal Setting appointment. The latter I feel (I hope) will give me a solid foundation to help me with running, whilst helping to protect my back and in turn, again hopefully, reduce or even stop my knee injuries.

Now, if I could just get over the hurdle of getting up earlier to go to the gym before work that would be lovely...if you've got any suggestions on how to do this, bearing in mind I have a small child and love my sleep, I'd welcome them with open arms!

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