A dad's witterings about a life journey with beer, running and, well, kids!

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Nobody Said It Was Easy

Gosh, these posts are getting longer and longer apart, aren't they? I promise I'll try to be better at talking to myself.

So since my last post, there's been a steady progression back into the fitness lark. I've been going to Yoga every Wednesday, which for an anxious person, is a great achievement in itself but it also means getting up a 5:30am to get the gym. I'm not a morning person, but I've actually enjoyed getting up for Yoga. Well, enjoy is expanding on the truth, but I do actually enjoy it when I'm there!

Last week I also took part in a 30 minute 'express circuit' class and that was an experience. So much of an experience that I realised 2 things:

  1. I'm really not fit enough for mid-high intensity activities
  2. I no longer know how to use a skipping rope
And then the day after, DOMS. Oh the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)
It seemed as though my body had forgotten how to walk, how to function even, from the waist down. It was like Bambi on ice but with more pain. But in a weird way, it's that good kind of pain. The kind of pain that reminds you that although you think you did everything wrong, you obviously still worked out some muscles!

Parkrun has been revisited, albeit just the once so far, and today (Wednesday 15th) a 5k in the lovely sunshine around St Albans. It felt good to go out, and I'm slowly but surely feeling the joy of running again.
It was a shaky start today, legs felt heavy and I thought I was feeling a twinge in my knees but decided it was psychological. And it was, reassuring myself as I went round; 'it's your second run in 8 months. Walk a little if you need to, these are steep hills. Make up for it on the final stretch.'
Yes, I have a fragile mind as mentioned before but it's the beginning and we go again and again until we succeed. There will be hard days, there always are, and I am my own worst enemy but we'll get there...we ARE getting there.

My friend's post on Tumblr reminded me that we are all different; different levels of fitness, shapes and sizes and to just be comfortable in what YOU are doing. So do that, be more confident in yourself, even just a little bit.

In the immortal words of Zooey Deschanel:
"You gotta be kind to yourself. Badadadum, badadadum"

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